
Marie Claire Camilleri Saliba

Lecturing Sectors: Health & Social Care

Marie Claire Camilleri Saliba has successfully been awarded an International Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Care as part of the European Union Erasmus Mundus scheme. A programme which was offered in cooperation between Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Norway), Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland), University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and the University of Malta (Malta). Marie Claire has also earned a Bachelor’s degree with Primary Education from the University of Malta, specializing in the early years. For the past 10 years, she has worked as a teacher who has taught diverse year groups within the early and the junior years of primary school. Marie Claire has also participated in a number of Teacher training programmes within the Pestalozzi Programme and the Erasmus+ programme. In 2013, she participated in the Pestalozzi Summer School programme at the Academy of Bad Wildbad, organized by the Council of Europe, which was entitled ‘Understanding diversity’. In 2017, she participated in another teacher training course organised by the Council of Europe titled ‘Strengthening Education for Democracy’ which focused on exploring competences within a democratic culture and aimed at helping participants develop attitudes, skills, knowledge and awareness for developing efficient methods to practice such competences in education. In 2018, Marie Claire participated in an Erasmus+ programme titled ‘Spice up Formal Education’ where she had the opportunity to develop competences regarding applying non-formal education in different educational settings. Marie Claire has also acquired a Higher Diploma in Management and Administration at the University of Malta.