Joe Balzan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Education (Hons.) and holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.), a Diploma in Education (Administration and Management) (DEAM), and a Diploma in Management Studies. After teaching for 15 years in State Schools, he was appointed Head of an Independent School, a position he held for 17 years. After which, he was appointed as a Senior Leader within the same educational institution leading Professional Learning and Human Capital. For several years, he lectured and was a Teaching Practice examiner at the Faculty of Education, University of Malta. Presently he lectures at the Institute for Education and delivers various professional learning sessions in various schools. He also lectures at Learning Works and forms part of the IQA Team at LWs.
During the consultation period of the National Minimum Curriculum, he formed part of two Focus Groups. He represented the independent sector, in the core team – ‘Education for All’ set up by the Ministry of Education. He attended several conferences abroad specifically on Educational Leadership and Management and on all other areas of Education.